During ‘Remember a Charity Week’, which runs from 9-15 September, BSAVA PetSavers is joining nearly 200 charities and numerous legal firms to highlight the importance of gifts left in wills.

These contributions play a crucial role in funding essential charitable services, providing long-term support for future generations.

Each year, gifts left in wills raise £4 billion for good causes across the UK. According to charity consortium Remember A Charity, there has been a marked increase in charitable giving through legacies, with over 38,000 people in England and Wales alone donating via their wills in 2023. These contributions benefited almost 11,000 charities and community organisations, reflecting a growing trend in charitable giving.

For charities like BSAVA PetSavers, legacies are a vital source of funding that enable long-term planning and continued support for vital clinical research into companion animal diseases. Over the past five decades, the organisation’s funding has helped drive advances in a range of areas, including research into kidney disease, feline leukaemia, cancer, and heart disease.

Legacy Donations Supporting Clinical Research

BSAVA PetSavers focuses on supporting clinical research into diseases affecting companion animals. The charity strives to remain at the forefront of veterinary research in the UK, with legacies providing crucial financial support. Gifts left in wills help ensure the continuation of this work, enabling the development of treatments and improvements in veterinary care for years to come.

To mark ‘Remember a Charity Week’, BSAVA PetSavers has partnered with HT Wills to offer a free will writing service to BSAVA members and supporters. This service is available for both standard and mirror wills, with no obligation to leave a gift to the charity, although support is always appreciated. Those interested in taking advantage of this offer can contact BSAVA for more details.

For more information on leaving a legacy to support BSAVA PetSavers and its work, visit their website at https://www.bsava.com/petsavers/legacies/.