A recent survey by Pets International Magazine reveals that 50% of pet owners prioritise nutritional intake when purchasing products for their pets, followed by health benefits (29%) and flavour (23%).

This data highlights a growing demand for nutritious and palatable options in the pet food industry. Similar trends are observed in the livestock feed sector, where the global market for animal feed additives, including those that enhance immune health, is projected to reach USD 59.04 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2021 to 2028.

In response to this demand, Henning Gerstenkorn, Business Development Manager for Animal Health at Ohly, discusses the role of yeast extract in improving immune health and palatability in animal feed. Ohly is known for providing yeast-based ingredients that benefit both the livestock and pet food industries.

A Natural Solution for Animal Feed

Yeast extracts offer multiple benefits when incorporated into animal feed, including improving palatability and strengthening the immune system. These extracts are highly palatable, often adding meaty or roasted notes that make food more appealing to animals, especially those with reduced appetites. This increased palatability can lead to higher feed intake, ensuring that animals receive the nutrients they need.

In addition to enhancing flavour, yeast extracts play a crucial role in supporting the immune system. Yeast cell walls, which are primarily composed of complex carbohydrates like beta-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides, provide immune-boosting properties. These active ingredients can help animals fight off infections and improve overall health.

Furthermore, yeast extract is a natural, safe ingredient that aligns with consumer preferences for sustainable agricultural practices. It reduces the need for synthetic additives and flavour enhancers, appealing to a growing market of health-conscious pet owners.

The Role of Nucleotides in Animal Growth and Health

Nucleotides, which are found within yeast extracts, are essential for the development and maturation of immune cells. Although animals naturally produce nucleotides through synthesis, they often cannot produce enough during periods of rapid growth. Incorporating dietary nucleotides into animal feed can support health and promote daily weight gain, making it an effective solution for improving animal growth.

Ohly’s product, Ohly-GO® Nucleo, is designed to boost animal growth and enhance health by adding these essential nucleotides to feed. This approach not only supports immune function but also contributes to improved gut health and overall well-being in animals.

Improving Palatability with Yeast Extracts

Yeast extracts are also valuable for improving the palatability of pet food. The presence of glutamic acid and nucleotides in yeast extracts helps to draw out rich, umami flavours, creating a meaty and savoury taste that is more appealing to carnivorous animals than grain-based feeds. This rich, complex taste is also effective in masking undesirable flavours, which is particularly useful in pet supplements or medicines that animals might otherwise reject.

Henning Gerstenkorn emphasises the versatility of yeast in animal feed: “When it comes to animal feed and pet food, yeast has a variety of beneficial uses. From nucleotides for immune support to yeast extracts for palatability, there are a range of benefits for both the livestock and pet food industries. Yeast extract consists of proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, peptides, nucleotides, vitamins, and minerals. It is the amino acids and nucleotides that give yeast extract its rich umami and savoury taste. On the other hand, yeast cell walls contain beta-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides. These two active ingredients can support the immune system and bind toxins.”