The British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) has submitted a response to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) consultation on governance composition.

BVNA advocates for a more inclusive, team-based governance approach that recognises the skills and expertise veterinary nurses can contribute.

The RCVS proposals suggest moving towards a ‘regulatory norm’ in anticipation of potential reforms to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. Key changes include appointing RCVS and VN Council members instead of electing them, ensuring parity between professionals and lay members, and adding flexibility to include allied professions under future RCVS regulation. Despite these changes, BVNA believes the proposals could better utilise the existing capabilities of veterinary nurses in governance, strategy, and policy development.

BVNA’s Position

BVNA President Lyndsay Hughes expressed support for many of the RCVS recommendations but highlighted an opportunity for veterinary nurses to play a more significant role in the College’s governance. Hughes stated that the current proposals do not fully recognise the extensive skillset of the veterinary nursing profession and its potential impact on RCVS governance.

“Veterinary nurses are already long established as a regulated and professional workforce. We lead in many aspects of professional and clinical practice, with joint responsibility for the welfare of patients in our care. Therefore, it is BVNA’s view that veterinary nurses are also fully capable of contributing equally towards the College’s governance; as one of the two professions already under RCVS regulation. We hope that this consultation will provide the opportunity for the RCVS to consider how veterinary nurses can be better utilised within its future approach to governance,” Hughes stated.

The BVNA’s response reflects a desire for clearer recognition of the role of veterinary nurses in both public perception and within the veterinary profession. The association sees this consultation as a chance to enhance the governance structure of the RCVS by fully integrating the expertise of veterinary nurses.