Grub Club, an innovative insect-based dog food brand, has announced its first national retailer listing with Pets at Home, the UK’s largest pet retailer.

The Grub Club range available at Pets at Home includes Poop Perfector, Sit Roll Treat Repeat, Canine Shine, and Clean Teeth & Chill dental sticks in sizes small and large, priced between £3.99 and £6.99. With a focus on hypoallergenic, nutritionally-complete, and sustainable food for all dog breeds, Grub Club aims to provide a healthier option for pets.

Sustainable Approach

Grub Club’s products are hypoallergenic, protein-packed, and insect-based, using Black Soldier Fly Larvae as the primary ingredient. These grubs are farmed in biotech facilities, consuming organic plant-based matter. An independent study has shown that Grub Club’s food can reduce carbon emissions by up to 1.5 tonnes per dog per year, contributing to a more sustainable pet food industry.

Co-founders Alessandro Di Trapani and Hugh Petit established Grub Club after realising the environmental impact of traditional pet foods. With pets consuming a significant portion of the world’s fish and meat, they sought to create a more sustainable option using insects as a novel protein source. Through experimentation and dedication, Grub Club became the top-rated insect-based dog food brand in the UK within two years.

Partnership with Pets at Home

Alessandro Di Trapani, Co-founder of Grub Club, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership with Pets at Home, highlighting the opportunity to provide dog owners with a sustainable alternative. This collaboration aligns with Grub Club’s mission to promote sustainability in the pet food industry and offer healthier options for dogs with sensitivities and intolerances.

Grub Club has received recognition for its efforts towards sustainability and innovation. The company was the Grand Prix winner of the Sky Media Zero Footprint Fund 2023 and received the Impact HERE Award in association with FuturePlus. Additionally, Grub Club was named the Best Eco-Friendly Pet Brand by Marie Claire for 2023.