A new survey has revealed that 82% of hotels charge extra fees for guests with dogs, with 35% of these hotels offering no amenities in return. Extra charges range from £10 per stay to £30 per night.

In recent years, many people have opted for staycations to avoid leaving their pets behind. The sight of a dog watching as its owner packs a suitcase can be heartbreaking, and holidaying in the UK has become an attractive alternative.

Despite the rise in staycations, hotels across the country are imposing additional costs on room rates for guests with dogs. These fees, often justified as necessary for “deep cleaning,” have been described as a “dog tax.”

Research conducted by Ted’s Bowl, the UK’s only provider of ready meals for dogs, highlights the added costs and restrictions associated with dog-friendly hotels. The survey of 3-star and 4-star hotels across the UK shows that most hotels not only charge extra for dogs but also limit their access within the hotel, effectively offering less for more.

Survey Findings

Out of 50 hotels surveyed, only 38 accepted dogs. Of these, 82% charged an additional fee, ranging from £10 per stay to £30 per pet per night, potentially adding an extra £210 to a week’s stay. While some hotels offer amenities for dogs, 35% of those that charge extra do not provide any additional items such as a bed or bowl. Furthermore, 81% of these hotels restrict dogs from many public areas, raising questions about their “dog-friendly” status.

The survey results suggest that many hotels claiming to be dog-friendly fall short of providing a genuinely welcoming environment for pets. By restricting pet access and charging high fees without offering amenities, these hotels may be more focused on profit than on providing a pet-friendly experience.

Sara Pearson, founder of Ted’s Bowl, commented, “Dogs are no longer just a canine companion; they are an integral part of the family. Therefore, it is unjust for hotels to be charging as much as £30 per night for some ‘supposed’ deep cleaning when you check out. Can you imagine the uproar if hotels levied an extra charge on baby occupancy? I appreciate that not all rooms should be dog-friendly, but those that are should not be exploitative. No one minds paying a little extra, but hoteliers, please give us something in return: a bed, water bowl, poo bags, dog treats, a ball – something that says to our dogs: ‘Hello, you too are a very welcome guest.'”

Basic Etiquette for Dog Owners

Dog owners staying in hotels should observe basic etiquette: keeping their dog on a lead and under control at all times, removing the dog if it starts to bark, and only travelling with a fully house-trained dog. Dogs, like children, need to be well-behaved in public spaces.

As more people choose staycations with their pets, there is a growing need for genuinely dog-friendly accommodations. Hotels that charge extra fees without providing amenities or allowing access to public areas may need to reconsider their approach to truly welcome canine guests.

With the demand for pet-friendly holidays on the rise, hotels have an opportunity to enhance their services and genuinely cater to pet owners, ensuring a pleasant stay for all family members, both human and canine.