A new online veterinary service, Vetsy, is providing personalised, on-demand pet care via video consultations, aiming to make professional veterinary services more accessible, affordable, and convenient for busy pet owners.

Launched by Dr Charlotte Gray, a veterinarian with over 15 years of experience, Vetsy was created to address the challenges many pet owners face when trying to schedule regular vet visits.

According to Dr Gray, the average pet owner experiences 27 pet-related concerns each year but typically visits the vet only twice. Vetsy seeks to bridge this gap, offering online consultations that can address up to 70% of common pet issues, from routine health questions to minor illnesses. This approach not only saves time but also reduces the stress and expense associated with frequent trips to the vet.

“The concept is simple,” says Dr Gray. “Vetsy allows pet owners to receive professional veterinary advice and access to medications from the comfort of their home. We are not here to replace physical vet practices, but to offer a complementary service that supports pet owners when a clinic visit might not be necessary.”

Personalised Care for Pet Owners on the Go

Dr Charlotte Gray’s extensive experience and passion for animal welfare have shaped the core of Vetsy’s mission. Her journey into veterinary medicine has spanned over a decade, during which she has cared for countless animals and even rescued pets from difficult circumstances abroad, including two stray cats and a cocker spaniel from the Middle East. Now, as a busy mother of two, Dr Gray understands the difficulty many pet owners face in finding time for regular vet visits.

Vetsy offers a solution for those with demanding schedules. Through video consultations, pet owners can access expert advice on a range of common concerns, from gastrointestinal issues to skin conditions and behavioural problems. The service provides peace of mind by offering personalised advice without the need for time-consuming vet appointments.

A Complementary Service, Not a Replacement

Dr Gray is keen to emphasise that Vetsy is not a substitute for traditional veterinary practices. Instead, it is designed to complement the care provided by brick-and-mortar clinics. “We want to give pet owners more options and help them ensure their pets receive the attention they need, when they need it,” she explains. Early feedback from customers has been highly positive, with many praising the service for its convenience and the quality of care provided.

As Vetsy continues to grow, Dr Gray envisions a future where online consultations and personalised pet care become a standard part of veterinary services. “Our pets are part of our families,” she says. “They deserve the best care we can provide, and with Vetsy, we’re making that care easier to access than ever before.”