UK Pet Food has announced the appointment of two new Chairs to spearhead its Sustainability Committee: Priya Hamilton, Corporate Affairs Manager at Purina, and Caroline Curtis, Operations Director at

Both have been active members of the committee since its inception in 2020, contributing significantly to the organisation’s sustainability initiatives.

The Sustainability Committee was established to support UK Pet Food members in their pursuit of a more sustainable future. The committee focuses on promoting sustainable raw materials, environmentally friendly production methods, and recyclable packaging. These efforts are crucial to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the pet food industry, which faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact.

Priya Hamilton expressed her enthusiasm for her new role, stating, “I am really thrilled to be taking up the position as Sustainability Co-Chair at UK Pet Food. I believe that as a business, we can really create a tangible impact and be a force for good. This impact can be even larger if we work together as an industry, driving collaboration and collective effort for the greater good.”

Caroline Curtis, who oversees the end-to-end value chain at B Corp, echoed this sentiment. She said, “I’m excited to take up the position as I’m passionate about changing the world for good through responsible business. UK Pet Food is a wonderful organisation fostering collaboration to advocate for change.”

A Commitment to Sustainability in the Pet Food Industry

Both leaders bring a wealth of experience and a shared passion for environmental responsibility, which will be pivotal as the committee tackles the challenges of sustainable production and waste reduction in the pet food sector.

Under their leadership, the Sustainability Committee will aim to foster greater collaboration across the industry, driving initiatives that not only reduce environmental impact but also promote ethical practices in sourcing and production. The committee’s work is expected to influence key areas such as the adoption of sustainable raw materials, the implementation of eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and the development of packaging solutions that minimise waste and maximise recyclability.

Future Directions and Industry Collaboration

As the pet food industry continues to evolve, the role of sustainability becomes increasingly important. The leadership of Priya Hamilton and Caroline Curtis will be crucial in guiding UK Pet Food’s members through this transition, ensuring that sustainability remains at the forefront of the industry’s priorities.

The committee’s efforts will likely result in new standards and practices that could set benchmarks for the wider industry. By promoting shared goals and collective action, the committee aims to drive meaningful change that benefits not only the environment but also the pets and owners who rely on the industry’s products.

UK Pet Food and its Sustainability Committee look forward to continuing their work under the new leadership, with a focus on creating a more sustainable future for the pet food industry.