Nick Avery, an army veteran from Torquay, is addressing the dog poo problem with his new venture, Pawfectbag.

After serving 22 years in the military, including stints with the Airborne Forces and tours in Northern Ireland and the Falklands, Nick transitioned to a career that combines his love for dogs and his commitment to cleanliness.

Nick Avery now resides in Bristol but frequently returns to his roots in Torquay. Following his military service, he worked in security and humanitarian roles abroad. However, a chance involvement in dog walking during his leave inspired a significant change. Nick shared, “I found myself starting to decompress and realised that dog walking was so therapeutic. I was out in nature and not having to worry about anyone wanting to harm me or the person I was looking after. I suddenly had an epiphany, I didn’t care about money anymore; I just wanted to do this for the rest of my life.”

During his walks, Nick noticed the increasing problem of litter, particularly discarded dog poo bags. He remarked, “One of the things you learn in the army is never to leave litter; it can lead to the enemy finding your location, and it is bad for the environment. It started to really annoy me how trees were becoming dog poo trees, dog poo bushes, and it is so ugly and dirty.”

The Birth of Pawfectbag

During the lockdown, Nick and his wife Vicky moved back to Torquay to care for his father, who passed away two years later from dementia. This period allowed Nick to reflect on his future career. He conceived the idea of Pawfectbag, a specially designed bag for dog walkers to manage dog waste and litter more effectively.

Nick explained, “I decided that maybe, if people had a Pawfectbag which was designed especially for dog walkers, they may not feel the need to leave all their dog poo and litter lying about. In the pandemic, more people got dogs than ever before; there are now 12 million dogs living in the UK, so this is a problem that urgently needed solving.”

Pawfectbag features unique compartments for dog walking essentials and a specialised pocket for bagged dog waste and litter. These sections are removable for easy cleaning and refitting, ensuring hygiene and convenience. Once the bag reaches the end of its life, the compartments can be repurposed as decorative hanging baskets, with guidance from the company on how to recycle them.

Supporting Local Manufacturing and Charities

Nick emphasised the importance of supporting local industries and reducing carbon footprints. “The bags are produced in Devon, so have a low carbon footprint, and it was also really important to me to support the British workforce. The removable pockets are my unique selling point, and I hope that people who use the bags may even be inspired to rebag and pick up other dog poo and litter as they walk. Dog poo is no good for the environment and affects animals both domestic and wild.”

Now in its third year, Nick’s business is thriving. He enjoys travelling to canine events across the country and has partnered with the National Federation of Retired Service Animals charity. This organisation supports service animals in their retirement, a cause close to Nick’s heart as a veteran. “For every bag sold, a donation goes to them so we can help to make a difference. I feel like I have a product here which can really solve a problem and give back, and it’s all UK-based. This really has been an amazing journey for me, and to be able to help other dog owners, a charity and the environment is a brilliant thing.”