A Labrador-type dog named Tripod, who narrowly escaped the dog meat trade in Cambodia, is currently recovering and awaiting a loving permanent home, thanks to a charity founded in the UK.

Rescued from the brink of a tragic fate, Tripod was severely injured by dog catchers preparing him for slaughter. The injuries to his leg, inflicted during his capture, are being addressed by veterinarians associated with the charity, NoToDogMeat, which champions projects based in Phnom Penh.

Ten Lin, an active rescuer from NoToDogMeat, who also manages the animal shelter caring for Tripod, remarked on the initial reluctance of locals to assist the injured canine. He recalled, “Locals stood by and watched him suffer since no one was ready to take on the responsibilities of assisting an injured dog.”

Quick Medical Intervention

On discovering the dog’s plight, Ten Lin promptly transported Tripod to a veterinary clinic. Here, Tripod was provided immediate medical care for his injuries. The medical team concluded that to fully recuperate, Tripod would need surgery along with antibiotics, x-rays, and fluids.

For a more peaceful recovery, away from the commotion of other rescued dogs, Ten Lin chose to accommodate Tripod at his residence. Elaborating on the care regimen, Lin stated, “Every morning, I clean his wound and change his bandage, as recommended by the vet. He is improving, but only slowly. Tripod’s wound won’t heal completely for several months, but I’ll make sure it does and that Tripod gets better.”

Future Prospects for Tripod

With the continued dedication of Ten Lin and NoToDogMeat, Tripod is anticipated to make a full recovery. Following this, the young canine, having had a traumatic start in life, will be seeking a fresh beginning, potentially within the UK.

NoToDogMeat, which recently resumed its overseas rehoming initiative, has successfully rehomed dogs such as Debbie and Delphi in Europe, marking the first such relocations since the pandemic outbreak.

Reiterating his commitment to Tripod’s future welfare, Tet remarked, “Wherever Tripod goes, we will make sure that his home is loving, peaceful and free from danger. He needs the chance to enjoy life, as he is such a young dog and has had such a scary start. For now, we will continue to provide him with proper care and regular check-ups to maintain his overall well-being.”

About NoToDogMeat

Initiated in 2009 by London lawyer Julia de Cadenet after witnessing the horrors of the dog and cat meat trade, NoToDogMeat has since been dedicated to supporting shelters and projects in countries like China, Cambodia, and the Philippines. The charity is distinguished with a United Nations Special Consultative status.

Julia de Cadenet emphasised the significance of the charity’s work, stating, “Tripod is a very lucky boy, and thanks to Tet is on the road to a happy and healthy future. His story is not unique though, and that is why the fight continues to ensure that all dogs get the respect that they deserve.”

NoToDogMeat not only focuses on rescuing animals but also aims to transform community perceptions about dogs and cats, fostering a positive change in attitudes towards animal welfare.

For more information about NoToDogMeat or to make a contribution, please visit www.notodogmeat.com.