Raw pet food brand Benyfit Natural has taken a significant leap towards eco-conscious packaging with the launch of its new 100% recyclable cardboard box packaging.

In a bid to deliver on their ‘Planet Friendly Packaging’ promise, the East Sussex-based raw dog food manufacturer has eliminated all polystyrene box inserts from its packaging. Effective from November 2023, the new delivery box from Benyfit Natural features insulation inserts crafted from fully biodegradable and easily recyclable cardboard. Additionally, the redesign ensures that every element of the brand’s delivery process is now 100% recyclable.

Ethical Sourcing for a Sustainable Impact

The cardboard used in the new packaging is sourced ethically as well as sustainably, so that it is biodegradable and environmentally responsible. A positive move for the planet, Benyfit Natural’s new packaging also empowers dog owners to embrace a zero-waste approach when opting for raw food feeding solutions. The company’s Prevented Ocean Plastic tub, along with the new cardboard box, can be effortlessly disposed of in regular recycling bins.

Greg Van Praagh, Head of UK & Europe at RPFC, said, “Our new recyclable cardboard box packaging is just one step closer to fulfilling our promise of reducing our impact on our planet. Pet owners are increasingly seeking products that are not just healthy for their dogs but also for the planet, and our focus is to deliver this to all our customers.”

Founded in 2014, Benyfit Natural pioneered the manufacturing of premium, natural raw dog food and treats from its East Sussex headquarters. With a dedication to offering dogs a wholly natural, balanced diet supplemented with natural treats and supplements, the brand’s latest move reflects a broader industry trend towards sustainability and eco-conscious practices in the pet food sector.