In a recent trial conducted in 2022, award-winning herbal pet care specialists, Dorwest Herbs, demonstrated the efficacy of their Scullcap & Valerian Tablets in alleviating firework-induced anxiety in dogs. The study, undertaken within the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge, revealed promising results, with a notable reduction in anxiety symptoms related to fireworks.

Firework phobias in dogs have been on a noticeable rise, causing distress for both the pets and their owners. This has led to a demand for effective solutions to counteract the anxiety symptoms. Dorwest Herbs’ calming supplements have now been shown to offer a possible remedy, with an overwhelming majority of trial participants reporting a positive change.

The trial, which included 46 dog owners and their pets, spanned the fireworks season from September to November 2022. Participants administered the recommended dosage of Scullcap & Valerian Tablets to their dogs, based on the animals’ weights. Assessments were carried out before and after the supplementation period to gauge the fear response of the participating dogs.


Substantial Reduction in Anxiety Behaviours

Out of the 46 participants, 40 owners observed a decline in anxious behaviours displayed by their dogs when exposed to fireworks, following the supplementation. This contrasts with the behaviours manifested before the introduction of the Scullcap & Valerian Tablets. The findings suggest that a significant number of dogs experienced an improved behavioural response to loud noises, such as fireworks, after consuming the tablets.

Jo Boughton-White, the Managing Director at Dorwest, remarked on the significance of these results. “Whether it’s one month or one day before bonfire night, Dorwest can assist. The 2022 trial underscores the potential of calming supplements in mitigating anxious behaviours. However, it’s pivotal to initiate preparations as soon as feasible.”


Harnessing Natural Solutions for Pet Welfare

Dorwest Herbs, boasting 75 years in the industry, continues to be at the forefront of offering herbal solutions tailored to pet care. Their herbal supplements, developed with pharmaceutical grade herbs packed with active compounds, are engineered to alleviate nervous activity without influencing muscular functions. This ensures that both the pet and its owner can find a sense of calm, especially during challenging times such as the fireworks season.

Dog owners seeking a natural method to aid their pets during the firework season might consider turning to Dorwest Herbs and their Scullcap & Valerian Tablets. With the backing of substantial research and a rich history in the sector, Dorwest stands as a reliable choice for pet owners prioritising the well-being of their beloved animals.