Johnson’s Veterinary Products has announced the launch of the first-ever National Pet Shop Day, scheduled for Saturday, 13th July 2024.

This initiative aims to celebrate the extensive support, products, services, and advice that high street pet retailers provide to pet owners concerned about their animals’ health and wellbeing.

The decision to launch National Pet Shop Day comes after Johnson’s 2023 report into UK purchasing habits revealed that over half of respondents (57%) would consult a vet for a pet’s flea issue, despite many stating that they find pet shops and stores to be knowledgeable and trustworthy.

Supporting Pet Health on the High Street

Paul Gwynn, Managing Director at Johnson’s Veterinary Products, emphasised the role of pet shops as local health and wellbeing hubs for pets. He noted that many pet owners might not consider pet shops as a source for experienced advice on frequent minor healthcare issues while shopping for other pet essentials.

“Pet shops and stores have a wealth of knowledge within their teams that has been built over many years, in some cases decades. They can often help to spot the signs of and give advice about fleas, ticks, worms and other minor healthcare problems and therefore are well placed to provide practical advice and product solutions for both these, and a range of other, more general, wellbeing concerns directly in store,” said Gwynn.

Enhancing Community Support

National Pet Shop Day aims to highlight the ongoing, positive contribution of pet shops and stores to society. The goal is to provide animal lovers with confidence that they can manage their pets’ conditions effectively and affordably, without always needing a vet. These retailers are seen as integral parts of the pet-owning community, offering much more than just products—they are ready and willing to help with various pet health concerns.

To ensure the success of National Pet Shop Day, Johnson’s will support the event with an extensive press and social media campaign. Participating retailers will receive product samples and procurement offers. Additionally, a dedicated website will offer promotional ideas, downloadable content, branded merchandise, and practical marketing advice to help pet shops and stores maximise their participation and celebrate the day to its fullest.