A new Canine CPR crash course for Pet Professionals is currently being trialed in the Manchester area. The course, focusing on Basic Life Support for those working with dogs, includes a visit from renowned canine first aider Rachel Bean.

During the two-hour sessions, Rachel will cover the theory of CPR before leading a real-time CPR Practical session to ensure participants feel confident in their life-saving abilities. With her Recover Guidelines Rescuer Certificate and background as a Qualified Veterinary Nurse, Rachel believes this course is essential for anyone working with dogs in any capacity.

Based in Saddleworth, Rachel not only works in veterinary practice but also travels globally teaching canine first aid. She co-runs Vet on Set at Manchester’s Media City, providing animal support to film and TV productions featuring furry actors.

Rachel, who holds the Recover Guidelines Rescuer Certificate and is a Qualified Veterinary Nurse, said, “Whether you are a pet professional, have a dog friendly office or work in a space which welcomes dogs, this course is an amazing way to get up to speed on the basics of life saving.
“We are trialing the new course in Manchester first, and hope that Manchester businesses will be happy to be trailblazers in making their premises not only dog friendly, but dog safe too.”
The trial course in Manchester aims to make businesses dog-friendly and dog-safe, with Rachel hoping local companies will lead the way in prioritising the well-being of their four-legged visitors.
Rachel added, “The country is getting more dog friendly than ever and that is a wonderful thing, but it is so important that as many people as possible know what to do should the worst happen. My course will help you act calmly and quickly to save a life, and may inspire you to take your studies further too to include more life saving skills.”