Vet Sustain is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest online CPD course, ‘A Sustainable Approach to Clinical Veterinary Practice’.

This innovative course aims to empower veterinary professionals to lead sustainability initiatives within their workplaces effectively.

Designed to provide veterinary professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to drive sustainable change, this 10-module, 35-hour online course focuses on key areas such as carbon footprinting, responsible resource use, waste management, and behaviour change. It caters to vets, nurses, and management or administrative staff working in clinical veterinary practice, offering valuable insights for those seeking external accreditation.

Expert-Led Learning

Led by subject experts and champions in sustainability, each module combines written content, videos, interactive tasks, quizzes, and case studies to explore topics like anaesthesia, parasiticides, and antimicrobials. Delegates will gain practical strategies and tips for implementing green initiatives in their practice, culminating in the creation of a sustainability framework including policies, audits, and action plans.

The first cohort of this LANTRA accredited course is now open for registration. With the flexibility of online learning, participants can complete the course at their own pace, fitting it into their busy schedules. The course fee is £1250 (ex VAT), with a special 10% discount available for BSAVA members using the coupon code BSAVA10 at checkout.

For veterinary professionals looking to make a meaningful impact on environmental sustainability in clinical practice, ‘A Sustainable Approach to Clinical Veterinary Practice’ offers a comprehensive and practical learning experience. To enrol or learn more about the course, click here.