A recent survey conducted by Go.Compare Pet Insurance sheds light on the expenditures of pet owners when it comes to pet holiday care.

The findings reveal that a significant 25% of pet owners shell out an average of £140 per week to ensure their pets are looked after while they’re away.

The survey, encompassing a broad spectrum of pet owners across the UK, illustrates that costs for pet care during staycations range between £10 and £30 per day. While nearly half of pet owners (47%) rely on family and friends for pet care, a substantial portion invests in professional services, impacting their overall holiday expenses.

Pet-Friendly Accommodation Savings

Interestingly, the research indicates that pet-friendly accommodation tends to be more cost-effective than non-pet-friendly options. Adding a pet to the stay can lead to an average reduction of £80 for a week’s accommodation for two adults, highlighting potential savings for owners.

Approximately 30% of pet owners opt to take their animals with them on holiday, bypassing professional care costs altogether. This decision not only saves on pet care expenses but also presents an opportunity for cheaper accommodation, as supported by Go.Compare’s data.

Insights from Ceri McMillan

Ceri McMillan, a pet insurance expert at Go.Compare, emphasised the importance of considering the costs associated with pet care during holidays.

“As much as we love our pets, it’s not always possible to bring them away with us, which means that arranging care for our animals is a necessity for most owners. For some, this can equate to hundreds in added holiday costs or reaching out to friends or relatives for help,” she said.

“Dog owners are lucky to have a little more flexibility for staycations, as Britain becomes increasingly more pet-friendly. If you’re able to, it’s worth considering the cost of taking your dog with you – something that only just over half of dog owners currently choose to do. Our research shows you’ll not only save on care costs, but accommodation might be cheaper, too!”